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7C cover

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How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible
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What’s Old about New Testament Exegesis of Scripture?: Fulfillment Citations in Chronicles and the Gospels” (CTR)
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Your House Is My House: Exegetical Intersection within the Davidic Promise” (Bibliotheca Sacra)

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Going Vertical with Love Thy Neighbor: Exegetical Use of Scripture in Leviticus 19.18bJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 47.1 (2022): 114‒42. For instructions to access the article click here.
Your House Is My House: Exegetical Intersection within the Davidic Promise” (Bibliotheca Sacra)
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Say You, Say Ye (Center for Hebraic Thought)
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Bequeathing Wrath: Exegetical Use of Scripture in Exodus 34.” Journal for the Study of Bible and Violence 2 (2023): 104‒20.
What’s Old about New Testament Exegesis of Scripture?: Fulfillment Citations in Chronicles and the Gospels” (CTR)

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Books at a Glance
Andrew Miller's review OPC blog
student review by James Knox


OnScript with Matt Lynch
Theology on the Go part one with Jonathan Master and James Dolezal
Theology on the Go part two
Cairn Commons
Cairn Webinar
BibleStreams (Australia)
Biblology (Ireland)
The Weird Christian Podcast (audio) (video)
Carmen Joy Imes (Christianity Today)

Beth M. Stovell (Didaktikos)
Julie-Allyson Ieron (Evangelical Church LIbrary Association)
Andrew Messmer (Evangelical Theological Review)
Brian Koning (Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies)
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Finalist in the category of Bible Reference Works for a 2022 Christian Book Award given by ECPA
OTUOT moments at the conferences:
Hermeneutics section at ETS, Denver
ZA promo at IBR, Denver

ZA tables, San Antonio
About the Author
Faculty page